Personlise Learning Management System with eFront

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Personalisation in learning management system makes the training process strategic and efficient. Personalisation is seen in two aspects. 1) personalisation of learning environment and 2) Personalisation of learning experience

Investment in employee training is vital for the growth of businesses. Many businesses incorporate a Learning Management System(LMS) for its convenience, efficiency and economic advantage.

Learning Management System has many advantages, of which personalisation is an important feature. Many software used for businesses focuses on the aspect of personalisation. Personalisation only makes the training process strategic and efficient.

Personalisation can be seen in two aspects here.

  1. Personalisation of learning environment
  2. Personalisation of learning experience

eFront LMS provides you personalisation for a learning environment as well as a learning experience

  1. Personalisation of learning environment 

Personalising the learning management system for the training and development department. Built to give more features and flexibility to design and develop an LMS which is exclusive for your company.

  • Customising the Learning Management System (LMS) that goes well with the design, colours and branding of your company is important to make the LMS look like your company’s own training software.
  • Training modules can be designed completely as an eLearning or blended learning in which eLearning is combined with a traditional classroom learning experience.
  • Design training modules with a variety of training material formats. Training modules can be designed with gamification to encourage learners’ engagement and retention
  • Design customised audit page for reports on learners’ progress, the efficiency of training material, course feedback and more
  • Integration of third-party apps to add more features that suit your company’s requirements.
  • Security settings can be set up as per company’s requirements. Authentication settings for learners to access their accounts and courses. Assigning different security settings and responsibilities for learners, instructors and administrators.

2. Personalisation of learning experience

Personalising the learning management system with a learner-centric approach. Built to enhance learners experience with your company’s LMS.

  • One of the top advantageous things of an LMS is its adaptability. You can use it anywhere, anytime and on any device. Your LMS can be built compatible with mobiles, tablets and desktop computers and courses can be accessed anytime from anywhere provided you are enrolled in the course and abide by the company’s guidelines. 
  • Courses can be completed at a learner’s pace at their time of convenience with or without repetition of course lessons.
  • Feedback feature is a great way of giving honest feedback and inputs about the course so that learners get the best content from the training department.
  • Questions and Forums can be used by the learners to connect with the instructors or colleagues to discuss course lessons, clarify doubts or to connect.  
  • Gamification, certifications, awards and rewards can be a great incentive for learning. It keeps the learners motivated. Each learners’ growth is different and gamification and certification can be personalised based on the employee’s current role or progress.